ʔi t̓ᶿok̓ʷ – Good day!
My name is Charlene Muskego. I currently reside on Treaty Six Territory in Edmonton. I am passionate about the ʔajɛws —a physically fit body. I find being active helps nijɛčxʷ kʷ χaχgiɬ—training to be a healer in mind, body, and spirit.
I received my diploma in 2023 as a Personal Fitness Trainer through the Northern Alberta Institute of Technology. I am the owner of ƛasəm (strong) TOSUM Ltd, which was established in July 2023. The teachings of the medicine wheel are the core values of TOSUM Ltd.
Knowing in my heart my own late mom’s path was one of the hardest lessons I learned in life. “You can’t help someone if they don’t want to be helped.” I always felt there was more out there in the world for me.
I moved to Alberta when I was 17, turning 18. Before leaving, I made sure my sisters were safe. I kept in contact over the phone and social media, and I visited a couple of times over the years.
The gym has always helped me release emotions of grief, keeping me strong and balanced, as it was my passion when I was a child. If I care for myself, I can better care for my children. The Institute of Child Psychology is a fantastic website accessible to parents.
With 10 years of experience training in the gym with heavy weights and being a World Natural Bodybuilding (WNBF) Bikini Pro, placing in the top 5 in the World in 2021 on my late mother’s birthday, I have developed a deep understanding of the industry.
hoyot nɩgɛ toχnɛxʷ θ yiyχmeθot. – “It is up to you to make healthy choices. I can only share what I have learned, but it is up to you if you choose to do it.”

Three tips to get started today to make healthier choices!
- Mindset – Starting from Within – From “Written as I Remember it” by Elsie Paul. Interestingly, something that has helped me through my grief period after losing my late mom and late sister in 2020/21 is a quote on page XiX, “The ɬaʔəmen people used to wake up before sunrise and go into a nearby river, and then, as the sun rose, breathe out, blowing air out hard towards the sun several times. When doing so, one’s hands are held to each side of the mouth, and then, in one motion, the arms are stretched out forward as if throwing one’s breath toward the sun. This ritual has been practiced with the belief that it would get rid of illness or maintain health, both physically and spiritually. It is used to be practiced even during winter; small children and elderly people alike would make their way into the icy river every morning at the crack of dawn.” This is a sacred ritual, and I’m not saying we need to start going to the river; you can if you choose. We could start by learning from this by waking each day and saying, “?Imote (thank you).”
*Further (or furthermore), we can shower in the morning and finish it off with cold water at the end. There are a ton of benefits for your body. Meditation for just 5 minutes, focusing on breathing, slows down the mind and keeps us grounded. I love yoga as well!
- Commitment to starting small—Start with 30 minutes of walking or jogging outside each day. Try parking further from the grocery store, or try taking the stairs over the elevator. If you need more help planning your goals and time to get active, I love using “Living Full Circle” by Jenene Wooldridge, inspired by Medicine Wheel teachings. It’s a 52-week undated planner.
- Limiting sugar intake, avoiding sugary drinks, including alcohol, and drinking more water. I usually wake up to drinking 500ml—1L of water with freshly squeezed lemon in the mornings before my coffee. This is a great way to start your day as well. Drinking 2-4L a day is a great goal. There are so many great benefits from all these tips. I hope you find this helpful if you choose to begin your journey of getting healthier.

Our ancestors believed in taking care of themselves well. It is time we bring this tradition back to our people by helping one another be more active and enjoy more fun and engaging activities as a family. One of my favorite activities in the spring/summer is bike rides with my family. Along the waterfront is gorgeous in BC, too!
I will leave you with this beautiful quote, “Be humble, give back, share, pay it forward, chase your dreams, go for it, and take a moment to remember where it is all from.” -unknown.
Thank you, Imote, for allowing me to share my heart with you. I hope these helpful tips helped you get started today! If you wish to have more information or have any questions, please don’t hesitate to email me. I would be more than happy to respond! https://tosumstrong.com/