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“Finding Nemo” in Navajo Language Airs on National TV Christmas Day

You can now catch Finding Nemo –dubbed in the Navajo language– on national TV this Christmas Day! First Nations Experience (FNX), the first and only nationally distributed TV channel in the U.S. exclusively devoted to Native American and World Indigenous programming, announced today that the Oscar®-winning film, Disney-Pixar’s Finding Nemo, will make its broadcast television debut translated […]

Chickasaw Astronaut Shares Passion for Space in New Children’s Book

Blast off into space by reading Chickasaw astronaut Commander John Herrington’s new children’s book “Mission to Space.” “It started with a rocket and a young boy. Like lots of children, I dreamed of being an astronaut someday. That dream came true. Flying in space takes a lot of training. It takes a lot of hard […]

The Police Killings No One is Talking About

Native Americans are being killed by police at a higher rate than any other group in the country–but these deaths are rarely covered in the media. Now, Native groups are organizing for justice in a growing Native Lives Matter movement.  SUQUAMISH TRIBE DESCENDANT JEANETTA RILEY, A 34-YEAR-OLD MOTHER OF FOUR, LAY FACEDOWN ON A SANDPOINT, IDAHO, STREET. One minute earlier, three police officers had […]

Talking Confidence with Lisa Muswagon

Growing up I was a tall, lanky girl with no curves. I was made fun of and even called a giraffe in high school because I was the tallest girl in every class I was put in.” Lisa Muswagon, Nakoda Cree of the Pimicikamak Cree Nation, knows what it’s like to stand out of the […]

In Her Words

The most requested question I’m always asked is what inspired me to create Native Max or Native Max Magazine. I totally understand the curiosity, as what I’ve done hasn’t been done before. For the sake of time, I usually answer in a brief sentence or explanation. But in all honesty, the real answer is way […]

The Moment: Hanblechia Designs

Hanblechia Designs is a reflection of traditional ancestral art combined with a contemporary modern twist, with designs on everyday items like scarves and umbrellas. Every design has a story or legend (handed down through generations) attached to it. ‘Hanblechia’ means ‘to seek a vision’ in the Lakota language. Artist Melvin War Eagle (Oglala Lakota) chose […]

Model Moment: Nikita Kahpeaysewat

Nikita Kahpeaysewat is certainly a model citizen. A Plains Cree 20-year-old from Moosomin First Nation, Kahpeaysewat is an athletic, singing model and public speaker who occasionally makes YouTube videos. For a girl so poised, it’d be hard to believe it wasn’t always this way. Overcoming low self-confidence and being bullied, Kahpeaysewat found her voice and […]

Editor’s Letter: June/July 2016

Welcome to our Anniversary issue 2016. To be honest, it’s really hard to pin down the number of years we existed; Native Max came to be back in 2007 but started as a business in 2012. But that’s okay, as we’re excited to add another year to our calendar. For this issue, I decided to […]