Navigating the Highs & Lows of Pregnancy

If you are currently in the early stages of pregnancy then you may be wondering when you are going to start having symptoms. Don’t be in such a rush for these to start as some of them are not kind at all.
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If you have other children that you are running around after then you may be grateful that the symptoms haven’t made an appearance yet. There will always be highs and lows during that nine month period, embrace every part of it and most of all try to enjoy it. Take a look at the article below to find out more about some of the highs and lows you can experience while pregnant. 

Morning Sickness

Up to 90% of women will experience morning sickness at some point throughout their pregnancy so it is extremely common. Typically it starts around week 6 and should ease around week 12. However, this isn’t always the case and you could end up with morning sickness the whole way through. If you have morning sickness with weight loss then you need to speak to someone about this as you shouldn’t be losing weight while growing a baby. This could mean you need to be hospitalised or given an IV drip to keep your hydration levels up.

Hip Pain

Something you can experience quite early on in pregnancy is hip pain, this is due to your body adjusting to your growing baby. Hip pain can start around the second trimester and go on right until after your baby is born. Your baby at 4 months pregnant is just starting to move around and grow at a steady rate so it is extremely common for various aches and pains to occur. If you are unable to carry out normal everyday tasks such as going up and down stairs then it’s best to speak to your doctor or midwife about this. The last thing you want is to experience symphysis pubis dysfunction (SPD) or pervic girdle pain (PGP), if you suspect you have these hip issues in pregnancy then you may have to go on bed rest with pain killers. 

Hormonal Surges

Have you reached the stage where you are getting snappy or irritated quite easily? Yeah, that isn’t you being a horrible person that is just your hormones throwing everything out of sync. When you are pregnant you can experience all sorts of weird and wonderful emotions, from crying when your local bakery doesn’t have the right donut to laughing when you really shouldn’t laugh. Those around you will understand that you are going through a lot, both emotionally and physically. When your baby is born, it can take a while for your hormones to settle down and get back to a normal level. Be prepared for this, also be prepared to forget a lot of things when you become a new parent. 


Breakouts are not uncommon during pregnancy, this is simply down to your hormones as mentioned earlier. Hormones have a lot of explaining to do and they can cause a lot of trouble and grief while you are pregnant. It is said that if you are having a girl then you will have more acne than if you have a boy. This could be an old wives tale, but don’t fear. Find a great moisturizer and get yourself into a nice nightly routine of washing your face then applying your moisturizer. Your skin can become a bit more oily during pregnancy so it is tackling this that will prevent acne breakouts. 

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Throwing A Baby Shower

When you head towards your final trimester it can be nice to arrange a babyshower with your closest friends and family members. This is a great time to catch up with everyone and have some fun before your baby arrives. Having a baby shower marks the occasion of becoming a parent quite well. Sit back and enjoy all the attention, fuss, and of course presents that will be coming your way. A baby shower is a fantastic way to kit out your whole house for your upcoming arrival. You could receive things such as a baby bath, bottles, new mum pamper kits, and clothing. 

Having Ultrasounds

There is nothing better than seeing your baby on the screen and then hearing their heartbeat. Knowing that everything is okay with your baby and their temporary home can be a huge relief for both you and your partner. If you have been having cramps or bleeding through your pregnancy, or you are high risk then you will have more ultrasounds than usual. This just gives you more chances to see that little bundle of joy on screen before you meet in person. You could also opt for a 4D scan, where you will see all their features and little squishy nose. You will have to pay for these but it can be a lovely keepsake to show them when they are older. 

Picking Out Outfits

Go to the shops and see what your baby will need for when they are born. The selection of clothes and accessories will have you wanting to buy everything you see. Work out how much your baby will need. Ideally around fourteen sleepsuits and bodysuits as they will go through quite a few of these when the messy explosive poos hit. If you don’t want to be doing endless amounts of washing in the early days then be sure to have enough clothes for your newborn. They may not need actual outfits as they will be tiny and wriggly, sleepsuits and bodysuits are fine for the first few weeks. 

Choosing The Pram

Lastly, when you reach your final trimester it can be nice to head out and try some different prams. You might already have an idea of the type of pram you want to get for your baby but it could be different when you see them in person. There are a few different places where you can try the buggies before you buy them. Be sure to see how small they fold and how easy they are to push. You should also try pushing them with one hand as if you are holding the hand of a toddler then it can be tricky navigating a pram. The more expensive brands will be smooth to push, this includes Bugaboo and Stokke

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Hopefully you found this article interesting and insightful. We hope it gave you some reassurance that what you are going through is normal and a lot of other pregnant women are currently going through the same thing as you, so you are not alone. It might help you to join forums online or baby classes where you can meet other people and share your stories.