How to Elevate Your Nightly Dinners

Life can be pretty jam-packed, and in between work, hobbies, and simple life admin tasks, it can often seem that we don’t spend as much time with our loved ones as we’d like to.
Top Tips to Avoid Appliances From Breaking

Appliances can be a costly expense for your home and therefore whatever you’re spending in your home, you should be looking to make that investment go as far as possible.
Exhausted Moms Need Hobbies, Too

Exhausted mothers deserve time out, too. Remember to take yours and roll with it—you deserve time.
Native Americans are Struggling with Eye Care Discrepancies

Here’s How to Protect Your Vision
Dr. Pamela Palmater: Leading the Warrior Life

Dr. Pamela Palmater, a Mi’kmaw citizen and member of the Eel River Bar
First Nation, was an activist long before most and now focuses on
decolonizing and revitalizing on her podcast Warrior Life.
Prados Beauty featured in Google Short Film

The Xicana and Indigena (Yoeme) beauty brand highlights how Google’s new features help the business boom.
Designer Discovery: FoxFire Designs

Meet Cathleen Booth, the creator of FoxFire Designs, and learn about her new collection: Desert Bloom.
IndigiPopX 2024 Recap

Here are the highlights from this past weekend’s Indigenous Pop Culture Expo held in Oklahoma City.
Things to Say to a Mom That Feels Like She’s Not Enough
Motherhood is tough, which makes a lot of mamas think, “I’m not doing enough” or “I’m not a good mother”. Don’t think you’re the only one who doubts herself. If this has gone through your mind, how did you change that mindset? We all struggle with insecurities, especially when it comes to motherhood. I’ve […]
“You’ll Miss the Hustle & Bustle”

Every year some families dread the end of summer and the beginning of the school year. Many don’t like the idea of school shopping, paying fees, and returning to the routine of homework, activities, concerts, games, etc. *Cue colossal sigh* All can be emotionally, physically and financially overwhelming. As parents dread this time of year, […]