Apple Original Films has acquired the global rights to “Fancy Dance,” a powerful drama film that made its debut at the 2023 Sundance Film Festival. This marks the feature directorial debut of Erica Tremblay, who co-wrote and produced the movie. Starring Lily Gladstone, the film tells the story of two Seneca-Cayuga women and their search for a missing mother on the Seneca-Cayuga Reservation in Oklahoma.
The heartwarming story follows Jax, played by Gladstone, as she cares for her niece Roki, portrayed by Isabel Deroy-Olson, following her sister’s disappearance. Jax and Roki embark on a road trip to search for Roki’s missing mother and discover profound truths about how Indigenous women are treated in a colonized world. Along the way, they encounter several other characters, including Ryan Begay, Shea Whigham, Crystle Lightning, and Audrey Wasilewski.
The film was produced by Tremblay, Deidre Backs, Heather Rae, Nina Yang Bongiovi, and Tommy Oliver and executive produced by Gladstone, Bird Runningwater, Charlotte Koh, and Forest Whitaker. The financial terms of the deal brokered by WME Independent on behalf of the filmmakers have yet to be disclosed.
Dubai-based sales agency Cercamon acquired international sales rights to the film following its Sundance premiere, which was met with critical acclaim. “Fancy Dance” will be released in theaters and on Apple TV+ later this year, and fans worldwide are eagerly anticipating its arrival.
As a Native American filmmaker, Tremblay expressed her excitement regarding the deal, stating that “seeing my community included in the rich tapestry of cinema is a dream come true.” WME, Ragna Nervik Management, Frankfurt, and Kurnit Klein represent Tremblay, while Independent Artist Group, McKuin Frankel Whitehead, and Authentic Talent and Literary Management represent Gladstone. Deroy-Olson is represented by Red Management, which also represents her in addition to Authentic Talent and Literary Management.