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Bethany Yellowtail’s March 2018 Cover Shoot

Photography by Joey Montoya/Native Max

Upon confirming with #NativeFashion Queen herself, Bethany Yellowtail, our team booked a trip to head to Los Angeles for the cover shoot.

After roaming around downtown L.A. for a bit, we stopped into Bethany’s swanky white-walled yet vibrant studio. Her walls lined with Native-designed wall art prints while Native jewelry and accessories dotted her tables. Let’s just say, her studio is #decorgoals.

When we arrived, Bethany was doing a fitting for Native actress Irene Bedard! It turns out that Irene asked Bethany to dress her B.Yellowtail-style for the movie premiere of “A Wrinkle in Time.” How amazing!

San Francisco-based Lipan Apache entrepreneur and owner of Native Urban Era Joey Montoya and Native Max joined forces again to capture the cover for this month’s issue.

See Bethany’s photo shoot as well as some behind the scenes shots in this month’s cover slideshow.

Read the March Issue starring Bethany on the cover: