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Moments to Remember from 2023: Tantoo Cardinal Inspired Us for Our Native Heritage Issue

Tantoo Cardinal graced Native Max Magazine’s cover of their Native Heritage issue last fall.
Tantoo Cardinal

Back in October of 2023, Native Max Magazine had the utmost privilege of featuring the legendary Tantoo Cardinal on the cover of our annual Native Heritage issue. Tantoo stunned the front page in her gorgeous custom gown with a captivating story about her life, journey, and work as one of the most prominent Indigenous women in the entertainment industry. 

Throughout the interview, Cardinal shared riveting stories and insights about her expedition as a Native American actress, her experiences with discrimination and prejudice in the entertainment industry, and her unwavering commitment to advocating for Indigenous rights. Her words were powerful, poignant, and deeply moving, leaving an unforgettable impression on all of our readers.

Tantoo was decorated in several stunning outfits designed by Patricia Michaels during the shoot. However, the custom-made “Tantoo Takes Flight” gown was undoubtedly the star of the day.

If you’re interested in learning more about the fascinating life journey of Tantoo and delving deeper into the 2023 Native Heritage Issue, visit our shop to get your print copy now.