Dancing Butterfly Naturals is a Taos Pueblo/Yaqui woman-owned and operated beauty and body care business that makes skincare and haircare products and medicines in small batches.

The owner Addelina Lucero creates all of the products with locally sourced ingredients from the Taos Pueblo Mountains in Northern New Mexico and from trusted Indigenous suppliers (where available) throughout the U.S. and the world that have the highest consideration for Mother Earth. Lucero utilizes her Indigenous plant knowledge and connection and her formal herbal and basic product-making knowledge to make Dancing Butterfly Naturals products. She has been an Indigenous skincare and haircare formulator now for ten years. She is also a mother, grandmother, traditional farmer, seed saver, Indigenous community food systems educator, Indigenous food sovereignty activist, and practitioner.
Shop lotions, soaps, and more at dancingbutterflynaturals.com.