First Native Max Hosted Fashion Show in Santa Fe, New Mexico

Native Max takes on the runway again, this time partnering with form & concept Art Gallery located in Santa Fe featuring three Indigenous Fashion Designers from across Indian Country.



The fashion show was hosted at the form & concept Gallery in Santa Fe, NM. Form & concept Gallery is known as a contemporary art gallery that exhibits art, craft, and design mediums together, challenging entrenched narratives. The gallery also engages the community through educational initiatives, including workshops, lectures, and artist residencies. Gallery owner Sandy Zane and her team graciously hosted the Native Max team in having a fashion show.

The runway for models was set up throughout the venue, strategically going through some of the important art pieces and exhibits currently on display at the gallery. The arrangement also offered an intimate setting for both models and the audience; the models walked closer to the audience, providing a personal look at the designs worn by models.

The designer lineup of the show consisted of Indigenous designers from almost every corner of Indian Country: Mary Kelsay of MEKA Clothing (Unangax^/Aleut), Rebekah Jarvey (Chippewa/Cree/Blackfeet), and Sage Mountainflower (Ohkay Owingeh/Taos Pueblo/Navajo) as the closer.

Kelsay and Mountainflower showcased couture and handmade designs fit for a cocktail evening or special occasion. Bringing streetwear flavor with her latest collection, Jarvey presented a colorful and unique set of designs that added just the right contrast to the full presentation.

Models from throughout the Southwest also modeled in the show. Models were invited to partake in the show and to showcase their talents in hopes of securing a spot on the roster of the newly formed X Agency by Native Max.

Partners form & concept and Creative Startups helped make the event possible.

Watch Native Max TV: Q&A with Tantoo Cardinal