Let’s Honor the Orbit Around the Sun & Celebrate All Ayimach_Horizons Four Capsule Collections

We highlight all Ayimach_Horizons four capsule collections, which represented the Spring Equinox, Summer Solstice, Fall Equinox and Winter Solstice.



As we make our way well into the new year, let’s take this time to celebrate fashion brand Ayimach_Horizons honoring the full orbit around the sun by creating and presenting four capsule collections in 2021. 

Ayimach_Horizons–which translates from Nēhiyawēwin or Cree to “a fortunate change of events leading towards success”–seeks to make dynamic fashion that challenges our expectations in design. Ayimach_Horizons often creates garments that are genderless and extremely flexible in how they can be worn. Ayimach is a remix of cultural references and projects into spaces of Indigenous Futurisms as materials and pallets share a platform with traditional custom and aspirational visions of transformation. 

Ayimach_Horizon’s design is also unique. Ayimach_Horizon places focus on color blocking and geo-metering, punctuating our relationship between place and time. Triangulations in the garments point to energy sources and our reciprocal relationship to them.

Ayimach_Horizon launched the first collection Mwachii Lunn–which translates to the moon at half-mass in the Michif language–a capsule collection celebrating Spring Equinox on March 20th, 2021.

Next, Summer Solstice was honored on June 21, 2021, with the release of the Ahkikiw Collection. Ahkikiw translates to growth in Michif. 

Fall Equinox represented the Pawahikayhk Collection, which means harvest in the Michif language, which launched September 21.

Finally, the Winter Solstice was illuminated by a full moon and Ayimach_Horizons released the Waashisho Collection a few weeks ago. Waashisho is Michif for beam (moonlight) and references reflections and projections; completion and renewal.

Looks from the Waashisho Collection:

Jason Baerg (Métis Nations of Ontario) is the Artistic Director for ᐊᔨᒪ / Ayimach. “The process of creation to dissemination has evolved, explains Jason of the process from creation to the photoshoots and getting it out to the world. “Initially, it was very experimental; I had a creative vision, made the garments and hired a photographer and models. Gratefully the outcomes resulted in some striking images intended for social media where made-to-measure items were available for purchase.”

As the cycle repeated, Jason continued with successful spaces and was delighted with the outcomes and focused on the strengths of the photographer and models. “Feedback also informed directions. I select Indigenous models that are making significant contributions to community or culture,” Jason says. “They become part of the Ayimach_Horizons narrative.”

For Jason, encouraging creativity and inspiring activation are the ultimate takeaways for this collection. “Like most Indigenous designers, I am doing my cultural reflection and research to drive the subsequent designs into relevant spaces. Great fashion (personally) holds a dramatic dynamic. I aim to propose new, performative options that make people feel strong and empowered; however, they define that space,” he explains. “There is also an intentional linear aspect of refinement that has pushed some designs and the brand forward. I am also invested in how the audiences mix Ayimach articles and style the garments themselves. I hope the work encourages people’s creativity and inspires them to activate the world with intention.”

Looks from the Mwachii Lunn Collection:

Aside from fashion, Jason serves his community as an Indigenous activist, curator, designer, educator, and visual artist. Baerg graduated from Concordia University with a Bachelor of Fine Arts, a Master of Fine Arts from Rutgers University and is enrolled in the Ph.D. program at Monash University. Baerg teaches as the Assistant Professor in Indigenous Practices in Contemporary Painting and Media Art at OCAD University. Exemplifying his commitment to community, he co-founded The Shushkitew Collective and The Métis Artist Collective. 

Shop pieces from Ayimach_Horizon’s four capsule collections here.

Watch Native Max TV: Q&A with Tantoo Cardinal