Thanks to marketers and advertisers, we’re made to believe that we have to shell out money in order to have a successful and happy Mother’s Day. Who says you need money to treat your mom on Mother’s Day? Here are some little to no cost, easy ideas for Mother’s Day gifts.
Do Mom’s Chores

Does your mom need her dishes done? Her car cleaned out? Her floor vacuumed? Clothes washed and folded? You get the idea – this is probably one of the best presents to get as a mother. Tell her to relax while you help her with her chores.
Chef it up!

Does your mom have an all-time favorite dish? Learn how to make it and do it yourself! Don’t forget to clean up afterward! Another great idea is that if you have spent some time in restaurants in downtown Bay City, you may be able to get inspiration for what you can cook up from your visit.
Remind her that she’s a queen!
Women love to hear compliments. Sometimes we need them, too. Remind your mama that she’s a queen with compliments, reminders, and words of praise.
Give her a spa day

We find our favorite at-home hair masks, facials, skin scrubs and other spa ideas on Pinterest! Whip up some stuff at home and give your mom a spa day!
Have a movie date – at home
Have her favorite movies on hand that you didn’t watch in a long time? Or a Netflix account? Line up a few movies or shows and cook up some popcorn after picking snacks up from the store!
What will you be doing for your mama this Mother’s Day? Let us know in the comments below!